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Log 11, Samuls. As me and my followers proceed into the outskirts of the marsh, we see life become more specialized. It seems like this is new territory for the ice head. We encountered a strange creature which I will refer to as a samul. Samul’s are long worm-like creatures that seem to be part of the terra tops family. They possess long spindly fingers on their forelimbs and seem to be lacking a third eye. Samul’s are naked and only have a thin layer of fur. However, they use a have a strange technique to keep warm. By using the heated leaves of radiator trees the samul will make a coat of sorts to endure the harsh weather. The leaves are kept together by a sticky mucus produced by the samul. While the coat may limit mobility it doesn’t make the samul an easy target. Most creatures will seek out samuls for heat during the night, this allows samuls to feed by cleaning its companions of any pests. It seems like in a place so cold working together is the only way to survive. Sadly, space isn’t the same.
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