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Planet: Megadazon
Height: 200ft on average
weight: 30,300lbs
Genders: Male and Female
Lifespan: 60 years on average
Society: Interstellar  
Population: 10 Billion  


The Talonatus are an intelligent species of plantimals who are known for their large size. The reason for their size is because of two main factors, first is their planet’s relatively low gravity being at about 3.61 m/s². The second is an abundance of food, their planet is a lush tropical landscape that gets constant sunshine which is very good for a species that photosynthesizes. Sunlight isn’t the only nutrient their star gives them though, Megadazon’s star is constantly blasting the planet with radiation, and life on the planet evolved to absorb and feed off this radiation as it was an overabundant food source making most lifeforms on the planet run fairly large. The home planet of Talonatus is very peaceful as instead of predators and prey, lifeforms fight more for territory than the other's life. The Talonatus live inside the colossal trees on their planet and are surprisingly advanced. The abundance of radiation on their planet allowed them to enter the nuclear age right after their bronze age, and since almost all life is immune to radiation there was little need to worry about environmental impact. Talonatus society is simple with many working large farms to use as building materials or selling nuclear weapons as trade. A large part of their society though is hats. Due to their size very little clothing could be made and what could be made was difficult to modify, all except hats. Hats are a staple of Talonatus society with hat shops being the most common Talonatus store on other planets. If you ever interact with a Talonatus they will commonly ask what you think of their hat, however, due to their size seeing the hat may not be possible, so it is best to say that “It looks good” whether you can see it or not.

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