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Log 13

Log 13, Tombstones. This plateau is littered with the corpses of various aviary creatures. Occasionally a small explosion will be seen in the sky followed by bits of a body raining down. After studying the air I’ve found out why. The methane density is incredibly scattered. Normally methane is scattered throughout the air in even amounts, but due to the cold, the methane will clump up into small pockets in the sky. This causes two major problems for the aviary creatures. Number one, parts of the sky will have very little methane which means that propulsion is nearly impossible. Number two is that there are little clusters of methane scattered throughout the sky, if a creature ignites these then they will explode. The sky of this plateau is essentially a mine field. It seems that this has been going on for so long that the creatures have started to adapt to it. The most apparent organisms are tombstones; colonies of mold that form stalagmite-like structures on the corpses of others. While obviously related to Rhizopus parasitic, they are thankfully harmless, acting as peaceful decomposers. Although I wonder which species came first.

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